Week 1

What is your social issue and why do you think it is important?. “Week 1” is published by Brian Tran.


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The Transformative Power of Habitual Gratitude

Practicing gratitude will not erase the overdue bills, cure a common cold, or make those zoom meetings any easier but it will help you cope with those things.

Advances in technology are designed to make our lives simpler, more comfortable. From microwaves to smartphones, the ‘work smarter not harder’ philosophy has led innovation.

Yet, still somehow with all the gadgets we have access to, life is still complicated, even noisier. From the whirring of machines in our homes to the endless thoughts crowding our minds, life is far from simple.

We are flawed beings. We all have scars, some more visible than others. Gratitude helps us heal those scars by focusing on what’s good.

Practicing gratitude turns down the volume of a noisy life.

Practicing gratitude gives us a sort of time-out. When we find a quiet place, clear and direct our thoughts on gratitude it puts life on pause. In that moment you are in control of your thoughts and feelings.

Practicing gratitude during tough times is not easy. Fear and anxiety don’t just disappear when you start feeling grateful. We’re not wired that way. Stress and fear are necessary emotions that strengthen the benefits of gratitude.

You can interrupt the anxieties of life, throw a wrench in it by practicing gratitude. An attitude of gratitude is about choice.

Being grateful when life seems unfair is hard. I can find several things to complain about right now. There are as many things that go wrong in a day as there are things that go right. Which do you choose to dwell on, focus on?

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